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. : [N]ews du 17/08/2004 à 00:00 : .
Naissance de "The Bitters"

Frank Klepacki, ainsi que Vinny Moncada et Jeff Murphy viennent de monter un nouveau groupe du nom de "The Bitters".
Trois points importants pour les réalisations de ce groupe:
1- Pas de parole
2- Pas de musique de plus de 2 minutes
3- Du rock plus dur que nécessaire

Pour le reste, je vous laisse lire le communiqué de presse, assez long.



A new super-group has formed in the Las Vegas valley – "The Bitters."
Consisting of old-school scene veterans Vinny Moncada (Offta Mars), Jeff Murphy
(Sausage Hostages), and Frank Klepacki (Home Cookin’), this group is a power
trio who’s material challenges the very nature of music to the extreme.

Though from entirely different musical backgrounds, the three members share a
rooted interest in classic progressive rock music. Drawing from influences such
as Rush, Primus, Tool, and King Crimson, The Bitters have crafted their own
style out of their chemistry of combined talent.

The band has but a few cardinal rules: 1: No Vocals. 2: No song averages much
longer than two minutes. 3: Rock harder than necessary.

The line up of the group came about in a strange fashion, as the three
individuals are about the most unlikely you would have expected to see in the
same band. Founding member Jeff Murphy explains: "It started back when the
Sausage Hostages broke up. Our singer Don went on to sing with Vinny’s band
Offta Mars, and they changed their name to "No is IV" and put out a CD of new
songs. After a year and a half we got Vinnie to play with our last line up of
the Hostages, and wrote a whole set of fresh songs, with the intent to play out
and do a CD. Then for a number of reasons, Don decided to leave Las Vegas, and
our drummer Kirk’s priority became his family, and while I tried hard to find
someone, we were in limbo without a drummer for three years, and had all but
given up."

Enter Frank Klepacki. "I had known Jeff since the early 90’s when we played
shows together in different bands,” says Frank. “When he was in the Hostages, I
was in a band called Area 51. I had known of Offta Mars, but never met Vinny
before. A year or two after Home Cookin’ disbanded, I’d ran into Jeff a few
times by chance at Tower Records, or a bar, or him delivering food to my house,
and we’d talk a bit about the old days. Then one day he called me out of the
blue and asked if I’d be interested in their project. After hearing their
demos, I was reminded of my rock roots and the reason I learned to play drums in
the first place. We began practicing that week."

Vinny Moncada, voted best bassist in Las Vegas’ local scene in the early 90’s
(the category was created for him no less), is arguably the central core to The
Bitters. Vinnie’s blinding fingers can leave you wondering if what you saw and
heard was humanly possible. "In my past bands, I was always the main writer,"
says Moncada, "but what I really like about this band is that everyone is an
equal contributor, and all the players are at the same technical level of being
able to jump right in on difficult things like odd time signatures and tempo
chnsges. I've always been in progressive type bands, but usually still keeping
commercial appeal in mind. This time, we are just going to see how far we can
push the musical envelope."

The Bitters took an unsuspecting Double Down Saloon crowd by storm at the Big
Lizard Records birthday bash in July. “We were trying to decide on a name so we
booked it as “Caliche” for that show, before deciding on “The Bitters,” which
was fine because we really had no idea how we would be received. We thought our
music would go right over peoples’ heads, but the packed room roared after each
blistering song, so we knew we had done something right,” says Klepacki.

Their next show, opening for “Amber Halo’s” CD release party (out on Big Lizard
Records) will be at the Double Down Saloon, on Monday, August 23rd, starting at

The Double Down is located in Las Vegas on the Corner of Swenson and Naples (on
Swenson between Tropicana and Harmon.)


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. : [V]os commentaires : .
17/08/2004 à 09:37

Eheheh , j'ai pas lu le communiqué de presse vu que je viens de me lever , donc pour traduire . Mais ca peut etre sympa de voir klepacki dans un groupe , j'vais attendre de voir ce qu'ils font pour juger
17/08/2004 à 12:23

3: Rock harder than necessary.

PLUS DUR que nécessaire
17/08/2004 à 12:59

Pas de ma faute, je recommence le boulot, ça fait 3 semaines que je ne me suis pas levé aussi tôt...
17/08/2004 à 13:07

LOL ! !

J'ai hate d'entendre ce que çà va donner !
17/08/2004 à 13:13

Furax > ah moi je recommence les vacances, 2 semaines que je me suis aps levé aussi tard
17/08/2004 à 14:28

Parlez pas de boulot , ca me déprime , plus que trois semaines a peine . Mais bon , je vais pas me plaindre , j'aurais eu en tout trois mois de vacances
17/08/2004 à 15:43

Je sais toujours pas quand c'est la rentrée ni si j'aurais un logement !MDR!
Vivre sous les ponts quel plaisirs !
17/08/2004 à 17:01

S'ils viennent ici, je pars voire la tronche a Frank
17/08/2004 à 19:25

Qui peux traduire?
18/08/2004 à 19:38

y a pas besoin

Sinon vivement le premier morceau

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