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. : [N]ews du 03/06/2015 à 13:54 : .
Patch 15.1 en déploiement

L'équipe de développement a commencé il y a quelques jours, continue aujourd'hui et terminera vendredi de déployer le patch 15.1 pour Tiberium Alliances.
En plus de ce patch, l'équipe nous dit qu'elle met à jour les serveurs en eux-même qui ne l'ont pas été depuis 1 an 1/2 maintenant...

Pas grand chose de neuf au niveau de ce patch, surtout des corrections de bugs ainsi qu'un "Public Test Environment" qui permettra aux joueurs de tester facilement les prochaines modifications du jeu.

Certains mondes sont donc coupés aujourd'hui et d'autres le seront vendredi.

On espère vivement que les prochains patchs apporteront plus de nouveautés!


Multi-Language Support

Multi-language support now allows players to change their displayed in-game language in the in-game options.

• The in-game options have been reworked and a new function has been added. You are now able to select and change the game language yourself.
• The language setting is saved as the default language for you in each world individually.
• If you do not have set your default language setting, the client uses the language of the website upon login as default.
• This change will affect existing worlds and new worlds alike.

Multi Language Worlds

Coming along with the multi-language support, we have completely reworked the system how we open and release new worlds to you. Due to the ability of multi-language support, we will open worlds spanning whole regions. This change will enable us to open new worlds more frequently, and we aim to launch a new world per region/timezone every 6 - 8 weeks, or when filled up.

• Multi-language servers will be named "Global” in the server selection.
• They are set up for one of the following regions/time zones: Americas, Europe, and Asia/Pacific.
• Multi-language server can be found in the world selection whenever the language filter is set to "All" and will be labeled as “international”

Due to this change, players of all nations have the ability to come together and still play in their preferred native language. We are very excited about this change as it opens up new allies and enemies on the battlefield as well as steady opening of new worlds.

Worldbrowser Region Support

To support the new way of handling worlds and regions we reworked the world browser to accommodate those changes.

The timezone drop down in the server browser has been replaced with a region selector. We will ensure a fresh world is always open per region. Existing worlds are mapped to the regions by time zones. The following time zones are used for each region:

• All: All
• Americas: UTC-9 to UTC-3
• Europe: UTC-2 to UTC+5
• Asia/Pacific: UTC+6 to UTC-10

Public Test Environment

A commitment we want to give and also carry out going forward is that we want to build this game together with you, our players. In the past, it was difficult to react to your feedback quickly enough and we want this to change. We therefore now introduce a public test environment where we deploy updates in advance and test upcoming features or changes together with and alongside you.
Every patch will be tested on the PTE in advance and will give you the ability to give us your feedback.

• The PTE is a public visible test world
• A dedicated forum will be set up in the official C&C: Tiberium Alliances forums to discuss the PTE content.
• New game updates will be deployed on the PTE and announced to the community via the PTE forums.
• The PTE will not always be open to the public, however, you will be notified via various channels when, and how long it will be open.
• Cheats will be available on a case by case basis via a new menu in the options to skip through progress and to help test specific features and content.
• The PTE content and progress may be reset and wiped regularly. The PTE server is not meant for regular game play but to take a look at new features and to provide feedback.
• Achievements earned on the PTE server are not stored.


• The global Help forum in-game has been removed and now redirects to the official community forums.

• The warning message upon login to the game while in WebGL mode has been removed.

• The collect all packages function is now available at any time and not dependent on research of the MCV.

• The issue with the chat window sometimes disappearing completely if the user minimizes it has been fixed.


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. : [V]os commentaires : .
03/06/2015 à 14:44

mrd en plus j devais up une centrale lvl 58 .... pff sont mm pas marrant

les serveurs devaient etre down de 30 a 60 min dixit la fenetre qui s affiche quand tu te connecte a ton monde (encore du gros mytho tout ca)

edit : centrale up a l instant
Edité le 03/06/2015 à 14:46
03/06/2015 à 15:11

sans commentaire
03/06/2015 à 17:02

Ah tiens il a vraiment fait une capture d'écran lui.

Donc il est à noter qu'on a un nouveau menu qui se nomme "Cheat menu" dans les options, vide de tout choix pour le moment.
J'ai donc testé le bouton qui m'a fait planté le navigateur.
04/06/2015 à 12:17

Vous êtes toujours sur le même monde ?
04/06/2015 à 15:28

NinjaDevastateur> On est sur le monde 4 depuis assez longtemps maintenant oui.
04/06/2015 à 16:35

Furax> j'arrive
04/06/2015 à 20:30

la forteresse a deja etait detruite 3 fois, nous sommes prets a filer un coup de pouce aux debutants
08/06/2015 à 12:59

kiki4> débutants ? regarde bien
08/06/2015 à 17:06

NinjaDevastateur> ui j viens de voir ton compte, si tu cherche une team tu peux venir avec nous
09/06/2015 à 15:10

kiki4> justement il m'en faut une x)
09/06/2015 à 19:17

NinjaDevastateur> tu es bien 2060eme ? si oui, j ai mp notre chef pour t envoyer une invite
10/06/2015 à 13:38

kiki4> non je suis 1915eme
10/06/2015 à 14:10

NinjaDevastateur> bon ok je te cris meme si le 2060eme a le meme pseudo que toi xD
11/06/2015 à 09:57

kiki4> moi c'est charempeureur
11/06/2015 à 11:05

je fais avec le classement que tu me donne en l occurence quand j ai regarde le 1915 c etait pas ce pseudo mais enfin bon ... botre chef veut pas car tu es tout petit ... j essai de le convaincre mais bon pas facile, j aurai du accepter quand il m a propose d etre commandant en second
14/06/2015 à 08:33

2 base une lvl 24 l'autre 23 et je suis maintenant enseigne
09/07/2015 à 13:49

heu c'est moi ou les mamouth des mutant tire maintenant sur les avions ?

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