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� Jios //

. : [N]ews du 23/05/2009 à 17:58 : .
Le patch 1.11 en approche
Source : CnC Inside

Même si nous ne disposons d'aucune date de sortie pour le patch 1.11 d'Alerte Rouge 3, certaines informations commencent à circuler.
Ainsi, c'est plus de 60 corrections qui seront apportées au jeu, dont par exemple la résolution du problème de transfert de cartes en multijoueurs.

Deux nouvelles maps provenant de "La Révolte" seront également ajoutées via ce patch ... 1 map 1v1 et une autre 2v2.

Encore une fois, aucune date de sortie n'a été annoncée, mais pourquoi pas durant le mois de juin?


  . : [N]ews connexes : .

- Le patch 1.08 arrive enfin
- Patch 1.07 et World Builder 2.0
- Patch 1.03 pour débloquer le menu


. : [V]os commentaires : .
23/05/2009 à 23:38

Vu la politique de com' appliquée par EA ces derniers temps concernant la sortie du patch 1.11 ... Je pense qu'on peut espérer la sortie de ce patch pour ce mois encore ...

23/05/2009 à 23:56

A mon avis table plutôt sur du mi/fin juin
24/05/2009 à 00:55

Tiens deux map de Rising sun!
24/05/2009 à 03:29

La map 2v2 pu bien du cul
24/05/2009 à 09:24

Les 60 corrections on les connait déjà ou pas ? ou on connait juste la résolution du problème de transfert de cartes en multijoueurs.

Car j'aimerais bien savoir ce qui va être modifié
24/05/2009 à 09:40

> Zhao : Voici les propositions ... Je susi pas sûr que ce soit la liste définitive. Ils ont tenu compte des derniers commentaires des gens du forum ... La liste définitive sera fournie le jour du patch ...

Global Changes:

- Garrison Range bonus reduced to 75% from 100%.
- Walls / Structures no longer block line of sight while being constructed.
- Parachute drop time increased.
- Oil Derricks now explode when destroyed. Keep your distance.
- Observation Post health increased to 10000 from 3000.

Due to the recent downturn in the global economy, all Super Weapons are now half price.

Faction Balance Changes:

Faction Balance Changes:

Allied Javelin Soldier cost reduced to 300 from 400.
Allied Aircraft Carrier drone speed increased to 225 from 150.
Allied Aircraft Carrier drones no longer give WTFOMGBBQ amounts of XP when killed.
Allied Aircraft Carrier reload time reduced to 10s from 15s.
Allied Assault Destroyer Black Hole Armor bonus increased to 50% from 25%.
Allied Outpost now gains additional health when upgraded. 25% per level.
Allied Athena Cannon no longer requires line of sight to attack. It can fire over walls now!
Allied Cryocopter health reduced to 650 from 750.
Allied Chronorift cast delay reduced to 1s. Rift time changed to 5s , 10s, and 15s, depending.
Allied Defense Bureau build time increased to 30s from 10s.
Special Agent Tanya Adam’s now requires the Defense Bureau to be built.
Allied Apollo Fighter heath increased to 300 from 250.

Soviet Hammer Tank’s can no longer leech while moving.
Soviet Apocalypse Tank grinder DPS halved.
Soviet Flak Trooper Cost increased to 400 from 300.
Soviet structures will no longer refund 100% of their cost if canceled after taking damage. Refund value reduction is equivalent to the damage taken by the building.
Soviet Super Power Plant energy production reduced to 350 from 500.
Soviet Stingray health increased to 450 from 360.
Soviet Dreadnaught Missiles now scatter against units.
Soviet MiG Fighter health increased to 240 from 200.

Japan Jet Tengu now much less deadly against each other in air form.
Japan Tsunami Tank now auto-heals while it’s secondary ability is active.
Japan Honorable Discharge power no longer deals any friendly fire.
Japan King Oni health increased to 3000 from 2250.
Japan Emperor’s Rage powers now limit the speed debuff to 75% for all levels.
Japan Wave Force Artillery no longer requires line of sight for attacking. I.e. it can shoot through walls, buildings, and anything else dumb enough to get in front of it.
Japan Naginata Cruiser Spread-Torpedo damage halved.
Japan Naginata Cruiser health reduced to 1200 from 1400.
Japan Shogun Battleship speed reduced to 50 from 75.
Japan Shogun Battleship cannons now properly scatter against other units.
Japan Shogun Battleship rate of fire now reduced by 40%.
Japan Point Defense Drones now have an expiration date of 2 minutes.
Japan Final Squadron Power damage reduced in accordance with the new power tree design.

Vision Changes:

Vision changes were incorporated from Red Alert 3: Uprising in order to improve unit behavior.

- Allied Multigunner Turret Vision Range increased to 310 from 300.
- Allied Prism Tower Vision Range increased to 360 from 350.
- Allied Hydrofoil vision range increased to 325 from 300.
- Allied Javelin Soldier vision range increased to 200 from 175.
- Allied Guardian Tank vision range in Target Painter mode increased.
- Special Agent Tanya Adams’ shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

- Soviet Apocalypse Tank vision range in Harpoon mode increased.
- Soviet Hammer Tank vision range in Leech mode increased.
- Soviet Terror Drone vision range in Stasis Ray mode increased.
- Soviet Base Defenses vision ranges increased slightly.
- Soviet Bullfrog vision range increased to 325 from 300.
- Soviet Sickle vision range increased to 170 from 150.
- Soviet Commando vision range increased 175 from 150.
- SovietCommando shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

- Japan Seawing vision range increased to 225 from 200.
- Japan Tengu vision range increased to 225 from 200.
- Japan Commando vision range increased 175 from 150.
- Japan Commando shroud clear range increased to 500 from 400.

Player Power Changes:

Japan player powers have been updated.
These are best explained with images. Have a look:

Thanks for your feedback!
Edité le 24/05/2009 à 09:41
24/05/2009 à 10:46

27 juin, c'est mon concierge qui me l'a dit et il a déja balayé chez e.a (source sur donc)
24/05/2009 à 13:00

Je savais bien que je devrais télécharger un patch avant d'y rejouer (ça fait un long moment que j'y joue plus mais je vais m'y remettre pareil pour General Heure H).
24/05/2009 à 15:19

on ouvre les paris sur le lancement du patch? je dis juillet

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